Hi Kids, Teens and Everyone!
What is Jesus’ Jewish name? Yeshua
Do I have to be a Christian/Messianic? No, unless you want to be. God gave humans free will. You have freedom to choose, what to believe and how to live, a God given freedom. You even have the freedom to believe if God exists or not, whether or not anyone else agrees with you or not. You have the free will to educate your self in religions, sciences, philosophies, only if you want to. God does invite us to be Christian, but he doesn’t force us to follow him.
Is it okay to have hard questions or to question God? Yes, prophets of Gods did that all the time.
Is it okay to ask God for something when facing challenges? Yes, Yeshua asked God, his father in heaven, if it was willing to please take the cup away. The burden of carrying the sins of the world was huge, and Father God sent an angel to help strengthen Yeshua before he was persecuted, beaten up, hung on the cross, and died - but then he rose back up again. He had a difficult duty to carry; in order to save humanity; and he made it clear by his plea before he carried it out.
Is it okay to cry? Yes, the bible says that Yeshua (Jesus) wept.
Did Yeshua heal and save sick and bad people? Yes, he performed miracles, cast out evil demons from people, and forgave people. He did this all the time, and especially on Shabbat (Sabbath). It didn’t matter how sick or how bad a person was, if they had faith (were willing), Yeshua was able to help them. Shabbat was Yeshua’s main day of miracles and works that were recorded, the day he was mostly persecuted for doing God’s work; it was a special day; a day still recognized today but Jews and some Christians.
Did you know that Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew? That is God’s original chosen people/tribe, that he sent to the world (other nations & tribes) to spread the Gospel/Good News. Now anyone can be a Christian/Messianic; that’s God’s tribe, be adopted to be an heir of God, eternal royalty.
Does this mean that Christianity is Jewish? Yes, Christianity is Jewish, Yeshua is believed to be the Messiah that the Jews have been waiting for.
Why did God choose Jews? He had to choose a tribe to do His work, to take the lead role to learn, teach and spread to humanity what God requires; everyone has a job to do.
Are Jews greater than Gentiles? Not necessarily, their leadership set stage for the Gospel, but all believers are significant, no matter what hour they are called to God, and Yeshua explained this with a parable. Jews were the first to receive the call to return to God or the creator and worship Him and live their true purpose “ For I am not ashamed of the Good News, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who trusts—to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16). So everyone is special; and equal in the eyes of God. God made everyone and their purpose significant, he doesn’t rank jobs like the world does. So you are important no matter what nation or tribe you are; God created everyone to have a purpose and that work he has for you is vital. We are all called members of one body. The church is like the body of Christ; whether you clean, teach, or sit on a desk, heal, prophesy, do science, fly airplanes, etc. you are supposed to do it all in the glory of God, because it is all important in an equal like manner. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female—for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua.” Galatians 3:28 (TLV). A bad person that is saved right before death could as well receive the same reward as a Jew or Christian that saved the Messiah most or all their life. A pastor, priest and everyone are all still humans God gave a job to do, like a cashier, and garbage man; and no matter how Jewish you are or not, and how very NonJewish or Gentile you are, you are still vital. God has people at all levels of jobs no matter which nations, race or ethnicity they are from. Now, Jews can even learn from Gentiles, some Jews didn’t learn about Yeshua as the Messiah yet, because their ancestors had denied their Messiah/our Messiah, Yeshua.
Are Jews important to Christians? Yes, Yeshua was born Jewish, as King of the Jews, who is also King of Kings and all nations. The first Christians were Jews. Yeshua says to pray for the Jews to be saved and to believe in Him, even to pray for their well being, and also to pray and love everyone, and always to love God first.
Is there a perfect church denomination or gathering? No, Christians come from various churches and denominations. In revelations we learn that Christian churches have strengths and weaknesses. What you need to make sure though, is that you are going to a church that is Christian to the core. Not a church that barely follows the bible/does wickedness/is anti-Christ. A satanic church is not and cannot be Christian/Messianic, and any church that is against any teachings to Yeshua. A Christian church must follow Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ the Messiah) in the most clear and root of its origin and practices. Most importantly, it must edify you and have room for you to grow in Yeshua.
If I have a record or been at a place that made me not want to go to church, am I or can I still be a Christian? Yes, Yeshua is always there for you. He doesn’t just throw people away or judge people, totally dismissing them like the world does. God in interested in you. His love is called unconditional or agape.
Moonchild illustrations - giphy
There are no perfect churches, you have to examine each church or group and determine if it is teaching you the right thing or if there is room for you to grow and minister/serve Yeshua there. Pray about it as well; the church is full of sick people (means imperfect people) - that is what Yeshua said; but you just worship somewhere or with some Christians/Messianic Jews. Fellowship is good for your Christianity and you are also important to others if you are a believer.
For current events of some Sabbath going Christian and Messianic churches you can check out, you can click the underlined links, or ministry name below to visit the page:
Shoresh David Jews and Non-Jew For Jesus → Messianic Jewish Sabbath Services
Lev Y'shua Messianic Congregation→ Messianic Jewish Sabbath Services
Tikvat T'zion Messianic Jewish Congregation→
ShoreshDavid→ Tampa
ShoreshDavid→ Pennsylvania
Congregation Yeshua Ben David —> Pennsylvania
Hope Channel South Phillippines
Shoresh David Brandon→ Messianic Jewish Church
Days/Week Zoom Bible Study - Team with ACTS
Contact Marilyn for us to add you to a small group. (Contact information at bottom of page)
Yeshua (Jesus) used to worship and pray to God daily, serving him, and it was his tradition to go to the temple every Saturday (Sabbath). Sabbath traditional begins sunset on Friday and ends on Sunset on Saturday. When Christ was crucified on Friday, he did not rise back up until after Sabbath; the day that Mary and then others found out he resurrected. Some Christians still do their main worship service on Sabbath or they are part of a movement of churches that returned to the original main day of worship. Christians still worshipped God daily as disciples and apostles in the bible did; it’s just that the main day of worship was consistent biblically, hence some Christians follow this tradition of keeping the original Sabbath. Some of these Christian churches are Seventh Day Baptist Churches, Seventh Day Adventist Churches, Messianic Jewish Churches, and some other churches (some which might be smaller denominations or individual groups). If you didn’t know, Yeshua was Jewish, hence some Christians try to keep the traditions he followed, especially the original Sabbath, because it is part of the ten commandments of the bible. Most of the ten commandments are recognize my most Christians and put into practice, and although the bible states that “Remember” the Sabbath day, it is the most forgotten ten commandment; i.e. that is as in keeping the day specific, although most Christians do go to church on other days, especially Sunday. Christians when they protested against the Roman Catholic church (some of its main leaders) not following the scriptures, one thing they didn’t realize was that people began to have their main church services on Sunday because of the Roman Catholic church; original Christians, were Jewish, they had their main church service on the true Sabbath (Saturday). The term Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown), in its true meaning, cannot be changed, because it was established by God Himself. God knew and understands, He tried to leave a statement that starts with “REMEMBER” when he wrote the ten commandments on the tablets that He gave Moses - he wrote them using his finger (Exodus 31:18). After carefully studying the scriptures, I chose for myself to try and keep the original Shabbat (Sabbath), like I try to keep all other God’s commandments, knowing we are not perfect, we can only try to follow the words of God and Yeshua meets us right where we are. God sent Yeshua to save the world, because in this world we will have many troubles; the scriptures say that believers are not of this world, but belong where Yeshua is preparing. There are lots of disagreements and misunderstandings, sufferings on earth; but Yeshua understands and knows our hearts, he comes to save, heal, and pour out grace and mercy so that we can enter heaven at His calling. It’s impossible for us to perfectly obey God, yet we are called to practice to do so, to be holy in general (daily) and to try and keep the Sabbath holy, among all the commandments of the ten commandments and other commandments in the bible. God is calling us to try to be good citizens, to love Him and other people; most importantly; and he will meet us where we come short; because He knows our hearts - and will reward us accordingly. He gives us mercy, grace and options - free will (nobody should harass that free will).
Free will is so important to the point that even GOD himself doesn’t force anyone to believe in Him and to come to heaven with Him; even though his mercy and grace can save anyone; it will never be by force; but is will because someone is willing to be rescued and redeemed. Anyone can go to heaven, that’s why Yeshua died for us; however, it all depends with the desire/free-will /heart of each individual, if they will accept this gift from God Himself. God himself has given us authority that plays a role in our salvation; although there is no force or power greater than His. Being human means God made us into the most complex and intelligent animals, made us in His own image; to the point that He won’t force us to comply; but He does present His love, grace and mercy freely, for us to choose to take or not (we are different from angels). We either worship God or we worship idols of self, others, things or ideas. With this gift of life, who do you worship. As a goal, each day, I am trying to worship just God alone; and to daily deny idols of self, others, things or ideas; being Christian/Messianic, means each day you have to deny yourself and take up the cross and follow Yeshua, that’s what He said - but you might fail deliberately or by mistake or via others sources. It’s all in the will; God knows if you are trying; he can read your heart, mind, heart and thoughts; and if you love Him, of course He won’t leave you, but take you to heaven because that’s where you are trying to go after this life. It’s never too late to try again; what you believe is right, and good, holy or perfect; it’s never bad to know you are not perfect; but to try to be because Yeshua actually said be perfect, be holy (yup ? :O) . We are so imperfect yet the Messiah believes that if we got the desire, the will, and the drive, we are better off living trying to be perfect and holy (even if we fail here and there and there again); if we try, he will make sure He will perfect us Himself when He comes. His blood, His own perfection is what will compensate for the difference; let alone the punishment we should receive, He took it on Himself so that if we try hard enough, we still have a chance for great rewards and paradise. So there is no reason to argue with people about who is following or breaking rules, who believes the right thing, because at the end of the day, we all have equal opportunity to be rewarded and saved, even though none of us deserve to be royalty and chosen for heaven which God has made us. We can just work on our own hearts, beliefs and faith, God is there to meet everyone individually as according to their own desire, He has the potential to receive any and everyone that wants to spend time with Him even eternally. That’s how great and powerful God is; He loves us all of us, rule breakers, because everyone has broken a rule or commandment; yet everyone still has a chance to have the greatest treasure and riches, which are God Himself. With God, no matter how things look, even if you are homeless, you can still be richer than the richest man in this world; it’s just a matter of time. Invest your treasures in heaven. God bless you!
Most of the time people grade and judge each other, but God is not interested in that, he knows everyone is messed up; like any parent; he just wants to have His children come to Him and he will help anyone with their specific problem with the same grace and mercy. It is true, God knows everyone by their name; and remember it’s only because of free will that some people will deny God and decide to perish; but that’s not God’s desire; however He made us into sophisticated beings that have to take some responsibility for their actions; including if we accept or refuse help from Him. God is the oldest, smartest and strongest being, we are never too old or too much for Him to handle, he knows all our mischiefs, big or small, yet He can still save from a murderer to a liar and prideful person - there is nothing too hard for God; nothing he can’t save you from, even bitterness, jealousy, anger, fear, loneliness. God is more interested in saving us, than wasting time condemning us and bringing us the punishment that we deserve; that is how loving and forgiving God is. He knows how humans are; and He is interested in every type of human being; if their will is to be saved; and set free or just to be blessed the more; God is there.
So Arise and Shine, Praise the Lord - if you are willing!!!