Advice to M.W.S. to Someone by M.W.S.

(COVID19 Is Here, So Is the Agape Love All Powerful Defending Reigning GOD. Today is the year of our Lord 2020, and the 18th day of December. The following was shared via facebook notes and last edited on July 17, 2020 ~ M.W.S.)

·       Live, Love endlessly, Let your giving be without expecting, Learn & Let God. God already knows. God blesses your emptiness. ♥ :D ♥

·       The truth hurts; so be merciful instead of right; never leave anyone unloved regardless of any situation.

·       Make peace with everyone to the best of your ability; even if not, never withdraw your love and kindness from a soul according to the will of God in that relationship; in Christ, always give your best to every soul.

·       When people judge you, bless them; receive those that do not receive you. :D You will find, you lack nothing even if you give.

·       Lift those that bring you down, lift them up above you, and God will heal them too.

·       You must not be afraid to be broken, God heals, but be broken for someone to live.

·       Nobody can control your flame, giving it all is the opportunity for God make you lit.

·       Don't be afraid of people, hold them all with the love of Jesus even in imperfections, rejoice and accept all.

·       Be a magnet for unlovable people, draw them in, embrace them with positivity of God.

·       Pray then go, but be merciful always. :D Stand in prayer for that those that cannot stand you or agree with you. Be merciful. :D

·       The secret to treasure and true riches is not seeking; but serving, not earning but losing. Christ died in order to rise up again in glory.

o   So you wonder why it's the poor and the least that have the most joy? Why it is the sick that have have the most faith? Or why the lost are the ones that are found? Or why it is the deaf that hear or the blind that see?

o   You have to be without to begin to have what is everlasting. You can't have spirit reigning when flesh is reigning; you have to lose the earthly to enter and be under obedience and cover of the heavenly.

o   So, since most things will pass away; why not treasure things of God. Things that you will never lose; and things that will give you great comfort and joy, even in midst of trials and tribulations.”

·       Stop looking at what people did to you or for you or did not do; but look at what God can do for them. Every day you get a chance, see with the eyes of God. Every time you are weighed; listen with the heart of God; God lives in you; so let your light shine so. :D ♥

·       Be annoying because you love someone, but do not be annoying because you hate someone :D ♥. Win your enemies to God (Yeshua). Let people say I hated you for treating me so well for not treating you good. Trust me, it happens. Saul became Paul. Simply God whose people he slaughtered wouldn't stop pouring out His love at him. God is not dead even today, He is in us. :D

·       Your worst regret will not be what you did not accomplish, but who you failed to love. So humbly love every single person in this world as much as you can ask God to pour into you His love. Whatever soul passes by you; count it to be blessed.

·       Your worst regret will not be what you did not accomplish, but who you failed to love. So humbly love every single person in this world as much as you can ask God to pour into you His love. Whatever soul passes by you; count it to be blessed. When this world is over, there won't be much of anything else to hope to meet, but souls and God. Make the best of every opportunity with someone no matter their state or history with you; if anything, pray even if you have to do it all over and all over again; there is really nothing else that will be more everlasting that your prayers for someone else. You honestly lose nothing by always have to pray for same people all over and all over again. Even if you have to shake your head and say Lord I am tired of this one; your prayers matter more than whatever else you invest in each day.

·       The Son of God took his time to pray for raggedy us; so who are we to bypass others. We must pray for all for our prayers to must not be lazy or weak; but prayers of true faith trusting God with every soul that is yearning for Him or lost.

o   If our prayers were rich and in one accord; don't we know that God will heal our lands, homes, churches, businesses, and organizations. Till today, we still haven't prayed enough, or believed enough, for we haven't even united enough; not like when Nineveh prayed.

o   So, if the Son of God took His time to pray for raggedy us, in all His perfection, then we must take time to pray for all; we must take time to understand that everyone must be our own to own in prayers, for we are God's and God wishes nobody to perish.

·       “When you are so angry, so bitter and worn out, you must understand, it takes a fraction of a second to let that go; since the day you were born, there was probably someone (driven by some hell) there to get you anyways, they just didn't find you, LOL, God protected you. God is protecting you from many things that you don't know of and don't want to as a matter of fact. So, how you feel is in your control. Show mercy, and know that no matter how bad it is, it's not that bad compared to Jesus getting nailed on the cross innocent for you.

o   Someone told me someone betrayed them, and I can't tell you how many times I have been betrayed, I can't even count and neither do I even remember every single story lol.

o   Let things die from where they came from, but love everyone regardless of them; because there is a God called merciful that can drain whatever troubles or bad they got in them.

o   Love everyone and fear nothing but God. :D ♥”

·       “When you are in sorrow, remember Yeshua the Messiah was a man of sorrows T_T - the word of God says, checkout Isaiah 53:3. If you have no sorrows then I will be very worried about you, especially during this whole pandemic season. It is hard times and sorrowful times, do not be afraid to cry and share what is going on in your life. It is God's will that you will find relief in His presence; and I promise you, there in it; even in the greatest of sorrows, comfort and peace you will find. Carry not your burdens on your own, but cast them on the Lord Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), Adonai.

o   Great peace God promises; this isn't over yet; there is much more He has yet to reveal and share with us. This sorrow will pass away.

o   When do you definitely need professional therapy? Anytime, especially if you are constantly low and cannot get out of that state.

o   Other than that, know that life is going to be difficult sometimes, but there will be brighter days. God has not abandoned the earth; the devil might be working; but God has already condemned him; and great peace that surpasses all understanding is promised. So cheer up, do something that makes you happy; it is okay to be happy; don't try to be tough and constantly keep your head in the news. Even if you are out there working with the COVID19, whenever you get a chance to cool off, meditate and relax, do that. Find ways to cope and knowing that life is full of ups and downs, even though it seems like an up is taking too long to come, it shall come; and otherwise, find ways to cope, crying, talking to people, doing your works and activities and laughing is all okay. God is still here with us; and this too shall pass.”

·       “Covid Comedies ~ Do not be afraid to enjoy comedies during this Covid19 season. The bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22.

o   Or may be do some other activities that keep you going and be kind to your neighbors even if they come at your rough during these rough times; people don't know what to do with themselves sometimes or how to feel and they can project at you. You find that the more you don't care about how people treat you, but how sweet and kind you are regardless of what is dished at you, the less other people's moods matter. In fact, you will find more compassion for those that struggle to enjoy that blessings of just staying calm and chill accepting anyone as they come. When you pray for people and let go of your defenses, you will find that they will probably calm down too. They just need something. When you have God, you have to ability to feed it to them, if you keep your cool, but it take practice, like all the Gospel. We must always train ourselves and dwell in God, just like athletes train the bible says. If you don't train, then you won't be as strong; but we all got our weaknesses, haha, but worry not, God is there to catch us when we stumble or fall. :D ♥

o   So take care of yourself and God's light shine on you always ♥”

·       “Do you need advice today?

o   The best advice is not what we give ourselves naturally or initially most of the times or but what we give other people is usually always on point. So, when you are doing badly and really need good advice, use psychology and think about what you will tell your friends. Use that information on yourself. Not a lot of people know how to follow their own advice, trust me, but it can be done.

o   If you are stressed out, want to overcome anything, had problems with people or don't know what to do with your life etc. Trust me, that's how I accomplished bunch of stuff. It's why people ask me how I deal with stress; the answer is, lots of practice with my thoughts and giving myself information or advice. That includes that lol, I extract advice from other sources, including bible and just like I would share advice to my friends, I can retrieve that information when I need it.

o   The best advice that you have is what you tell your friends; not that you apply it yourself. In order to learn to apply your advice to yourself, you have to admit that you don't follow your best advice yourself and that it's time to think about what you will tell other people and then apply it to yourself. It takes practice; but you probably have the very best advice and take time to listen to your thoughts on how you will break it down to your great friend or family member.

o   So you see I do it all the time, otherwise I will fall asleep when studying, if I couldn't motivate myself LOL.

o   You are stronger than you know ♥ :D

o   God has blessed you so bloom and shine brighter and brighter”

·       “You have the ability to control your feelings; more than anyone can control you. So, instead of wasting energy on how people react and talking about them for hours; you must easily enter yourself into a blessed phase where you can enjoy people while not letting them stir you even if they are not so kind. You can be pleasant even in their lack of kindness and excuse yourself from arguments, but there is never need to return evil for evil. The word of God says return good instead.

o   Your response doesn't have to equal the magnitude of theirs; you can keep a wave of peace inside your soul and let their tide rest. You have the ability to rub God's peace on restless souls; it's just like Jesus and how he cast out demons. When you let God instead of your emotions drive you; you can create a force of positivity where negativity was trying to reign. If you lift Yeshua higher, he will lift you up. You don't have to be perfect, but just willing; and you will find out that most people that are not so kind are themselves suffering inside. So, :D ♥ pray for everyone, and it's not always easy not to react to someone coming with a storm; but if you let God, you can calm any storm with a "Peace Be Still" attitude.

o   Be blessed! Be grateful for everything and everyone whether or not you like them or not, love them. The love and joys of Christ reign in you!”

·       Why do I write these things? Most people struggle to love those they love or loved, and some even to a point of hatred. To me that is the silliest thing. It's wasted love energy. Life is too short to live like that. The only person one can fix is themselves, but it's never necessary to fight and withdraw love. Letting go must happen in the extreme of cases, but even then, it must never come to a point where you withdraw love. Love never knows evil, love your neighbors. Forgive your neighbors and have courage and strength in Christ. Pray God fills you and your neighbors.

·       “If there was a queen of stressful situations it would be me or a Ph.D in stressful situations, if there was one, I would have it.

o   When talking to my friends these months, I realized, oh my, God has given me ways to cope with a lot of things; and I had never thought about it. I realize my friends and strangers have liked my advice over the years. So, if it's on facebook, lol, it means I have shared. :D

o   ♥ Trust me, I experienced almost everything and people will be like, wow, and you made it all the way here lol. So, if it helps, I summarized on facebook. I know my mentor always used to ask me to write a book, but I haven't really decided how to go about it. I am not at all done dealing with stress, lol, I have embedded myself into a stressful career training for a stressful career lol. I can't say I have all the answers, but I can just tell you how I dealt with things to make it from each hole to each stage haha.

o   I noticed a lot of times I tell a story people will be like dang, wow. lol, so it's all God, but yeh, I am a dang and wow type of girl, God is amazing. One love, in Christ, M.W.S.

(May 4 2020)

·       A "hell no type of man" is a guy that knows how to give you kids, and that's about it (with or without a ring) - M.W.S.

·       It's better to adopt a baby even IVF, than to be mixed up with someone that doesn't treasure you. God values you. - M.W.S.
(May 16 2020)

·       Pray

·       Focus

·       Endure

·       Persevere

·       Belief

·       Work

·       Enjoy

·       Faith is what brings the fire inside of you to existence, without faith, there is no point beginning. First find faith in the unknown, never seen and never done, then come alive like a growing tree seedling one step at a time. The reason God created you is because you have never been, and you have a purpose, we all have a purpose; when you believe, then you can receive. You have done many things by faith, that’s the evidence, that Yeshua brings our faith to realities; and remember faith must come with works; you are a living creation.

·       When you grow up without a father or a mother in part or in whole, you grow with a God in excess. There is no room for excuses (there just ain’t), because that’s expected, the only room left is excellence because the divine has spent extra time with you parenting you in a way you couldn’t see but that no human can match. All those times you were alone, you had extra time with God, undivided attention between you and the most High, so don’t take the excuse highway, take the quickest exit from excuses (all your life), and drive on possibility and victory lanes because you are clearly chosen already; God stepped in where you were left. There is definitely not that much time for blames, when you need to be blooming into the being that God raised you up to be, give Him the Glory, make Him proud, because you know He has always be there and will always be there. So, never forget those great moments you knew you were being watched over as you traveled and faced the hardest circumstances; there was a king of Glory with a mighty army camping around you; so travel in strength and peace; one like you was never made to be defeated but to be victorious in Yeshua the Messiah; no excuses. When you give God all those excuses, he turns them into excellences, because as far as they can reach the skies, tell them all to the Lord in prayer all the time and then rise and go in excellence all the time.

·       To be a genius or simply wise, you have to realize that the God in you is a genius and perfectly wise. Every time spent away from God you are foolish and every time you walk in God you are wise.

·       When you have an anointing, your worst enemy is YOURSELF; you can't control circumstances or people, but YOURSELF (your thoughts, emotions, actions, choices); and the best thing you can do is let YESHUA lead you and stop fighting Him when He is your Savior. Even if it hurts right now, God is going to unleash something huge and utterly magnificent out of your struggle.

·       You will spend most of your time and all your time with yourself, there is never a day of your life that you won’t be with yourself, thus love your fabulous beautiful and blessed self. You are God’s ruby and more than just that, so shine and burst with excellence and give God all the glory.

·       Be humble, and everything, kneel, cry to God, bow and everything; but don’t forget to rise and stay standing, you are in the world, God didn’t create you to be stepped on but to walk in authority, to be effective, productive and simply the best you can possibly be. Shine forth His light, he didn’t create you to be dim and pitiful, self pitying all day long like there isn’t a God inside of you; you are royalty, even if it’s because of God not because of you, the fact is He has made you to beam because you are His. Thus be humble and everything, but be ridiculously effective and simply powerful through His power, by submitting to His leadership in obedience, be a living contradiction that is totally mind-boggling and astonishing to anything, being or force against God through God.

·       Compare yourself to yourself (not other people). As long as you are happy with it, then go with it. If you really need to make adjustments, then compare yourself with Yeshua and you can’t go wrong; the adjustments will be really beneficial.



·       (May 18 2018) Is it fair?

The world was never built to be fair; but it must be enough to know that our God, the true and righteous God, is loving towards all mankind and full of justice. You never need anyone else to determine your value, your value was already determined by God, in whatever manner you were born or have become, your value is so great. It is fair game whether this world treats you right or not, the world doesn't even value God's ways, so why should it value your life and well-being. It might or might not, put a value on you; but you must know you are an heir of God, your value was paid by Jesus on the cross for a high price. This world will never do even an inch of Christ's sacrifice for you. Christ's sacrifice is so great, and nothing will ever match it. It wasn't even fair that He would die for us, but He did. Thus it is by grace that we are saved. God alone determines our destiny and never doubt that He will guide you and lead you better than yourself and others. You only need to follow the light to reach the end of the tunnel, it doesn't matter how you are going to get there and what is in that tunnel LOL. God is the light of the world, whether it is fair or not, with God you have a God powerful enough to get you through that tunnel no matter what is in it. That is what life in the world is; the God rules the universe, no matter what ups and downs, with God you will arrive your destination. :D

~If I was my mother, grandmother or great friend - what would I say~


·       June 19th 2020
♥ My big brother once told me this, don't let [a guy] walk all over you. He always tells me I am beautiful and intelligent, and he definitely tells me I am a woman of God and to continue to put God first. Grateful for the great men in my life.
~ To the sweet ladies, from my brother to me and now to you! ♥

·       June 25th 2011

When you are sad cry, but when you are sad stop and listen and look deep for that Joy and Hope God gives, I promise, the Light of Christ never ever fades, somehow, I don't know how, but it burns and burns, even in the darkest of all, the light is victory over darkness, :D.from God, , In Him, :D

·       July 17, 2014

You have to look where you are going, trusting God. Looking back when God said not to, like Lot's wife, is a way to freeze, to turn into a pillar of salt. The present and the future remains; days to wake up and smile at the son of God while He shines on you like He has never done before. To freeze or to run free and be mollified by the warmth of His embrace; oh surely we must choose to be free today in our Lord; we must choose not to be captured and frozen by the sight of yesterday. Forward we run the race, let us run ahead and finish the race.





Strong Holds and the Brain